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Pistachio Jelly Roll-  Flavors 15oz

Pistachio Jelly Roll- Flavors 15oz

The unique and unbeatable Swiss Roll of Pistachio dough filled with the flavor that you like the most. Please choose the filling flavor from the list provided when adding it to your purchase .


    All of our products are made and shipped on the same production day.

    Products can remain at room temperature. However, refrigeration of the product is recommended for durability and freshness at the time of consumption.


    Shipments to the United States and Puerto Rico are made using the United States Postal Service. A Flat Rate Medium or Large box will be used (according to the number of gypsy arms ordered).

    If you order from 1 to 8 gypsy arms , the shipment will be made using the Medium Flat Rate Box . From ordering 9 to 10 gypsy arms , the shipment will be made using the Large Flat Rate Box . If more than 10 gypsy arms are ordered, the order will be sent using several medium Flat Rate Boxes according to the ordered quantity.

    Shipments are made between two to three days after the order is placed. According to the production day of the gypsy arms, to guarantee the quality of the product.

    Orders to be picked up at one of our Ricomini bakeries (Mayaguez, Rincon or Isabela) have no additional cost. It will be confirmed by a phone call from a company representative to establish the time and day of pick-up. Please choose at the time of checkout that the delivery method is by "pick up at a bakery". Please leave a note from the bakery of preference for your pick up.

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